

FAB Defense

94 products

Showing 1 - 48 of 94 products

FAB Defense is a leading developer and producer of firearms accessories and tactical equipment, and works closely with special forces to develop solutions for increased operational readiness. FAB Defense's products are thoroughly tested in the most challenging situations with subsequent improvements for superior ergonomics, functionality, and durability.

We offer a wide range of FAB Defense products suitable for sports shooters, long-distance shooters, and personnel. We can deliver the entire FAB Defense range, in small or large volumes. KEEP IT REAL

Showing 1 - 48 of 94 products
GL - CORE IMPACT Recoil Reduction Buttstock - FAB DefenseGL - CORE IMPACT Recoil Reduction Buttstock - FAB Defense
FAB Defense GL-CORE IMPACT Recoil Reduction Buttstock
Sale price 899 kr
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Tactical Folding Grip - FAB DefenseTactical Folding Grip - FAB Defense
FAB Defense Tactical Folding Grip
Sale price 425 kr
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Ruger 10/22 Precision Stock - FAB DefenseRuger 10/22 Precision Stock - FAB Defense
FAB Defense Ruger 10/22 Precision Stock
Sale priceFrom 1.799 kr
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ULTIMAG G17, 18 - Round Polymer Magazine for Glock 17 Handguns - FAB DefenseULTIMAG G17, 18 - Round Polymer Magazine for Glock 17 Handguns - FAB Defense
FAB Defense ULTIMAG G17, 18-Round Polymer Magazine for Glock 17 Handguns
Sale price 269 kr
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AGR - 43 - Rubberized Pistol Grip for M16/M4/AR - 15 - FAB DefenseAGR - 43 - Rubberized Pistol Grip for M16/M4/AR - 15 - FAB Defense
FAB Defense AGR-43 - Rubberized Pistol Grip for M16/M4/AR-15
Sale price 395 kr
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RAPS - C Rapidly Adjustable Precision Stock, Collapsible - FAB DefenseRAPS - C Rapidly Adjustable Precision Stock, Collapsible - FAB Defense
FAB Defense RAPS-C Rapidly Adjustable Precision Stock, Collapsible
Sale price 2.695 kr
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M4 Folding Collapsible Buttstock for Remington 870 - FAB DefenseM4 Folding Collapsible Buttstock for Remington 870 - FAB Defense
FAB Defense M4 Folding Collapsible Buttstock for Remington 870
Sale price 1.995 kr
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GL - CORE - AR15/M4 Buttstock - FAB DefenseGL - CORE - AR15/M4 Buttstock - FAB Defense
FAB Defense GL-CORE - AR15/M4 Buttstock
Sale price 695 kr
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NFR Carbine Length Aluminum Quad Rail - FAB DefenseNFR Carbine Length Aluminum Quad Rail - FAB Defense
FAB Defense NFR Carbine Length Aluminum Quad Rail
Sale price 1.895 kr
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Ruger 10/22 Precision Stock PRO - FAB DefenseRuger 10/22 Precision Stock PRO - FAB Defense
FAB Defense Ruger 10/22 Precision Stock PRO
Sale priceFrom 2.499 kr
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GL - CORE M - M4 Buttstock w/Built - in Mag Carrier - FAB DefenseGL - CORE M - M4 Buttstock w/Built - in Mag Carrier - FAB Defense
FAB Defense GL-CORE M - M4 Buttstock w/Built-in Mag Carrier
Sale price 1.195 kr
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AGR - 47 Rubberized Ergonomic Pistol Grip for AK - 47 - FAB DefenseAGR - 47 Rubberized Ergonomic Pistol Grip for AK - 47 - FAB Defense
FAB Defense AGR-47 Rubberized Ergonomic Pistol Grip for AK-47
Sale price 395 kr
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GL - SHOCK - Shock Absorbing Buttstock - FAB DefenseGL - SHOCK - Shock Absorbing Buttstock - FAB Defense
FAB Defense GL-SHOCK - Shock Absorbing Buttstock
Sale price 799 kr
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MBA - Mono - Pod Buttstock Add - on - FAB DefenseMBA - Mono - Pod Buttstock Add - on - FAB Defense
FAB Defense MBA - Mono-Pod Buttstock Add-on
Sale price 1.095 kr
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SPIKE Precision Tofot, Picatinny/M - LOK - FAB DefenseSPIKE Precision Tofot, Picatinny/M - LOK - FAB Defense
FAB Defense SPIKE Precision Bipod
Sale price 2.495 kr
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Magasinlomme m/hurtiglader - FAB DefenseMagasinlomme m/hurtiglader - FAB Defense
FAB Defense Magasinlomme m/hurtiglader
Sale price 369 kr
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Klikkpatroner, 9mm (10 stk) - FAB DefenseKlikkpatroner, 9mm (10 stk) - FAB Defense
FAB Defense Dummy Practice Ammo, Package of 10
Sale priceFrom 195 kr
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1911 Magwell Grip - FAB Defense
FAB Defense 1911 Magwell Grip
Sale price 249 kr
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PTK - M Rubberized M - LOK® Ergonomic Angled Grip Combo - FAB DefensePTK - M Rubberized M - LOK® Ergonomic Angled Grip Combo - FAB Defense
FAB Defense PTK-M Rubberized M-LOK® Ergonomic Angled Grip Combo
Sale price 649 kr
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Rifle Sling, 1 - Point/2 - Point - FAB DefenseRifle Sling, 1 - Point/2 - Point - FAB Defense
FAB Defense Rifle Sling, 1-Point/2-Point
Sale price 269 kr
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Treningskniv, 30cm - FAB Defense
FAB Defense Training knife, 30cm
Sale price 159 kr
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Gradus Rubberized Reduced Angle Ergonomic AK Pistol Grip - FAB DefenseGradus Rubberized Reduced Angle Ergonomic AK Pistol Grip - FAB Defense
FAB Defense Gradus Rubberized Reduced Angle Ergonomic AK Pistol Grip
Sale price 329 kr
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AGF - 43S Tactical Folding Pistol Grip for M16/M4/AR15 - FAB DefenseAGF - 43S Tactical Folding Pistol Grip for M16/M4/AR15 - FAB Defense
FAB Defense AGF-43S Tactical Folding Pistol Grip for M16/M4/AR15
Sale price 599 kr
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Cheek Rest for GL - CORE - FAB DefenseCheek Rest for GL - CORE - FAB Defense
FAB Defense Cheek Rest for GL-CORE
Sale price 259 kr
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USM Universal Picatinny Rail Handgun Mount GEN 2 - FAB DefenseUSM Universal Picatinny Rail Handgun Mount GEN 2 - FAB Defense
NFR - EX Carbine Length M16 Extended Aluminum Quad Rail System - FAB DefenseNFR - EX Carbine Length M16 Extended Aluminum Quad Rail System - FAB Defense
PTK VTS Combo Ergonomic Grip, Picatinny - FAB DefensePTK VTS Combo Ergonomic Grip, Picatinny - FAB Defense
FAB Defense PTK VTS Combo Ergonomic Grip, Picatinny
Sale price 549 kr
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Polymer Magazine Pouch w/Belt Paddle for 5.56 Magazine - FAB DefensePolymer Magazine Pouch w/Belt Paddle for 5.56 Magazine - FAB Defense
4 - Round Magazine Extension for Glock 43 - FAB Defense4 - Round Magazine Extension for Glock 43 - FAB Defense
FAB Defense 4-Round Magazine Extension for Glock 43
Sale price 269 kr
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SG - 1 - Sniper Pistol Grip - FAB DefenseSG - 1 - Sniper Pistol Grip - FAB Defense
FAB Defense SG-1 - Sniper Pistol Grip
Sale price 995 kr
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AK/AKM Picatinny Scope - Mount Dust Cover - FAB DefenseAK/AKM Picatinny Scope - Mount Dust Cover - FAB Defense
FAB Defense AK/AKM Picatinny Scope-Mount Dust Cover
Sale price 3.499 kr
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UAS - AKMS P Folding Buttstock w/Cheek Riser for AKMS - FAB DefenseUAS - AKMS P Folding Buttstock w/Cheek Riser for AKMS - FAB Defense
FAB Defense UAS-AKMS P Folding Buttstock w/Cheek Riser for AKMS
Sale price 1.899 kr
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ULTIMAG G19 - 9x19, 16 - Round Polymer Magazine for Glock 19 Handguns - FAB DefenseULTIMAG G19 - 9x19, 16 - Round Polymer Magazine for Glock 19 Handguns - FAB Defense
FAB Defense ULTIMAG G19 - 9x19, 16-Round Polymer Magazine for Glock 19 Handguns
Sale price 269 kr
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4 - Round Magazine Extension for Glock 42 - FAB Defense4 - Round Magazine Extension for Glock 42 - FAB Defense
FAB Defense 4-Round Magazine Extension for Glock 42
Sale price 299 kr
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AG - 47 Ergonomic Pistol Grip for AK - 47/74 - FAB DefenseAG - 47 Ergonomic Pistol Grip for AK - 47/74 - FAB Defense
FAB Defense AG-47 Ergonomic Pistol Grip for AK-47/74
Sale price 319 kr
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SKS Chassis Conversion Kit With M4 Collapsible & Folding Buttstock - FAB DefenseSKS Chassis Conversion Kit With M4 Collapsible & Folding Buttstock - FAB Defense
FAB Defense SKS Chassis Conversion Kit With M4 Collapsible & Folding Buttstock
Sale price 2.899 kr
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Polymer Training Daggers - FAB DefensePolymer Training Daggers - FAB Defense
FAB Defense Polymer Training Daggers
Sale price 145 kr
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T - POD G2 Rotating Tactical Foregrip & Bipod - FAB DefenseT - POD G2 Rotating Tactical Foregrip & Bipod - FAB Defense
FAB Defense T-POD G2 Rotating Tactical Foregrip & Bipod
Sale price 1.995 kr
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M4 Folding Collapsible Buttstock for Mossberg 500 - FAB DefenseM4 Folding Collapsible Buttstock for Mossberg 500 - FAB Defense
FAB Defense M4 Folding Collapsible Buttstock for Mossberg 500
Sale price 1.995 kr
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M4 Collapsible Buttstock for Mossberg 500 - FAB DefenseM4 Collapsible Buttstock for Mossberg 500 - FAB Defense
FAB Defense M4 Collapsible Buttstock for Mossberg 500
Sale price 1.895 kr
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SLA Sling Picatinny Attachment - FAB Defense
FAB Defense SLA Sling Picatinny Attachment
Sale price 195 kr
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M4 Collapsible Buttstock for Remington 870 - FAB DefenseM4 Collapsible Buttstock for Remington 870 - FAB Defense
FAB Defense M4 Collapsible Buttstock for Remington 870
Sale price 1.895 kr
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Full Picatinny Rail Covers - FAB Defense
FAB Defense Full Picatinny Rail Covers
Sale price 195 kr
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Cheek Rest for GL - Shock - FAB DefenseCheek Rest for GL - Shock - FAB Defense
FAB Defense Cheek Rest for GL-Shock
Sale price 195 kr
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Cheek Rest for GL - Shock with Dual Picatinny Rails - FAB DefenseCheek Rest for GL - Shock with Dual Picatinny Rails - FAB Defense
FAB Defense Cheek Rest for GL-Shock with Dual Picatinny Rails
Sale price 365 kr
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FAB Ruger 10/22 Fixed Stock Adapter - FAB DefenseFAB Ruger 10/22 Fixed Stock Adapter - FAB Defense
FAB Defense R10/22 Fixed Stock Adapter
Sale price 345 kr
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Gradus - M Rubberized M - LOK® Compatible Short Ergonomic Forward Grip - FAB DefenseGradus - M Rubberized M - LOK® Compatible Short Ergonomic Forward Grip - FAB Defense
FAB Defense Gradus-M Rubberized M-LOK® Compatible Short Ergonomic Forward Grip
Sale price 379 kr
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